Services & Resources


Housing Counseling

Do you dream of becoming a homeowner, but don’t know how to get there? As a HUD-Certified Housing Counseling Agency, LOU-HOME, Inc., offers quality and comprehensive education and support that will prepare you to be a homeowner and ensure you are well-positioned to receive a loan. Through 8 one-hour sessions, our HUD-certified housing counselor, Forrest Jenkins, will work to ensure you understand your rights as a homeowner and walk you through the processes and paperwork that are part of homeownership. You do not need to be anywhere near ready to buy a home to start planning for success. Our sessions are tailored to the needs of the client based on your unique situation and goals and place in life.


Financial & Credit Counseling

As a HUD-Certified Housing Counseling Agency, LOU-HOME provides education and support for your financial and credit needs so you are better positioned to become a homeowner. We work with you to assess your financial situation, evaluate options if you are having trouble paying your mortgage loan and ensure you understand your rights as a consumer of credit. We will walk you through your credit report to look for improvements that need to be made. If your identity has been stolen or mistakes have been made, we will work with you to fix those problems. We offer 8 one-hour sessions that are tailored to meet your unique challenges


Group Trainings and Workshops

We work with local businesses and organizations to host workshops and training sessions related to homeownership, housing and financial counseling. Contact us to learn more about how we can create a session that will help support your organization, customers or the community. View this video for an example of a previous session we hosted in partnership with Oxford Community Market focused on budgeting and healthy eating.


Rental Counseling

If you are a renter who is rent-burdened and may be worried about eviction, we can help support you and connect you with community resources for rental assistance. We also help to ensure renters understand tenant rights and fair housing issues so landlords don’t take advantage of them.


Housing Discrimination Assistance

As a HUD-Certified Housing Counseling Agency, our team is specially trained to report violations of the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to discriminate in the sale or rental of housing — including against individuals seeking a mortgage or housing assistance — because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or disability. If you feel like you have been discriminated against, contact our housing counselor Forrest Jenkins for more information and support.

We’re here to help.

To make an appointment or learn more about our services, contact Forrest Jenkins at (662) 607-4141 or, or fill out the form below.